Are you ready this winter to keep your house warmer and save money?
Are you ready this winter to keep your house warmer and save money? Here are 4 tips to get you started….
1. Get your furnace serviced: Just like your car, your furnace needs to be serviced regularly. Getting a regular Service ensures your furnace is running smoothly and efficiently and extends the lifespan.
2. Change your furnace Filter: During those cold months your furnace is working hard to keep you and your family warm. Be sure to check the filter regularly. Most filters need to be changed every 3 months.
3. Let the sunshine in: Open those blinds and curtains during the day to allow that wonderful sunshine to help with heating up your house. Once the sun goes down, close the blinds to keep the heat inside.
4. Set a timer on your thermostats: When you are at work set your thermostats to lower the temperature. Most people now have a smart thermostat, or a digital thermostat that you can put those timers to use. Turning the heat down will help with overall costs in the long run.